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Strona główna » Aktualności » III 2020

III 2020

Dear Sirs,

ICR Polska informs that:

– since 26th March, ICR Polska stopped accepting new certification inquiries in scope of covid-19 related products,
– all certificates issued by ICR Polska within the scope of covid-19 related products are voluntary basis
– voluntary certificates are not required by any legal act and are not equal to conformity assessment procedures restricted for notified bodies in that scope
– voluntary certificate is not obligatory to import goods to EU market
– voluntary certificate does not entitle manufacturer to affix CE mark on its product
– CE mark is designed to be placed on the product according to EU relevant regulation after fulfilling product applicable essential requirements
– all issued certificates in period of 1st – 26th March 2020 in scope of products related to Covid-19 has been withdrawn and ICR Polska is processing their re-issue on new certificate template and new identification numbers
– ICR Polska decided to conduct process of withdrawn and re-issue due to number of invalid or fake certificates and to make full clarification to certificate user about its condition and scope by re-editing its content
– from March 26th, following stamp is no longer in use in ICR Polska certificates

status of certificate can be check: https://cert.icrpolska.com
online database is in its developmental stage, hence it may miss information and not does not contain all data about certificate requires for identification.
ICR Polska upgrades database on regular basis, yet certificate validity can be also confirmed through: icrpolska@icrqa.com

– ICR Polska has upload valid voluntary certificate template and examples of invalid certificates, that pretend to be issue by ICR Polska:

certificates issued according to test report provided by China supplier Shanghai MICEZ Equipment Testing & Technical Co., Ltd. has not been re-issued and remains invalid or fake

– ICR Polska upload all certificates recognized as fake or invalid to online database